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The Top 6 Litigation & Persuasion Focused Articles of Q1-2016

Kenneth J. Lopez, J.D.
By: Kenneth J. Lopez, J.D.

Trial Presentation, Jury Consulting, Litigation Consulting, Litigation Support, Jury Consultants, Articles, Jury Selection, Opening, Body Language

6_top_litigation_and_persuasion_articles.jpgby Ken Lopez
A2L Consulting

The first quarter of 2016 was one of A2L Consulting busiest in our 20+ year history. Not only was business up, visits to our web site increased 10% over the first quarter of 2015, and our Litigation Consulting Report Blog reached 8,000 subscribers. These metrics suggest that the litigation industry, particularly the big-ticket litigation segment, continues to perform well.

The growth in the number our blog subscribers is truly eyeopening. Just a little more than year ago we were celebrating reaching 5,000 subscribers. I still find it completely amazing that about 200 people sign up for our award-winning litigation and persuasion-focused blog every month.

Since we launched this publication that now sees more than 250,000 visits every year, hundreds of new clients have found their way to A2L and thousands more have benefited from the information we have shared here, from free articles to free e-books to free podcasts to free webinars. Five years ago, I thought the whole idea of blogging was misguided, and boy, was I wrong.

To enhance our reader's experience, each quarter we help surface those articles have been "voted" the very best in the most recent quarter. That is, if we publish 25 articles in a three-month period, some are going to be viewed more often than others, and these are effectively voted the very best.

These six articles below were voted the very best by our readers in the first quarter of 2016.

CBP1210903.jpg6.  Millennials and Jury Psychology: Why Don't They Follow the Rules?A jury consultant analyzes the jury psychology of Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) and focuses on this generation's distrust for authority.

CBP1030985.jpg5.  A Jury Consultant Is Called for Jury Duty: A well-known jury consultant finds herself in a Manhattan courtroom as a prospective juror and describes her experiences.

CBP1104355.jpg4.  3 Trial Preparation Red Flags That Suggest a Loss is Imminent: Some trial team behaviors during trial preparation are leading indicators for a loss at trial. Here are three that are consistent red flags.

tony-klapper-welcome-litigation-consultant-litigation-graphics.jpg3.  9 Things I've Noticed About Effective Litigation Graphics After 20 Years as a Litigator: A top litigator with 20 years of trial experience shares his views on litigation graphics today: What are the best techniques?

cuddy-presenting-win-litigator-belief.jpg2.  A Harvard Psychologist Writes About Presenting to Win: Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy released a new book called Presence, and it is filled with a wealth of useful information for litigators about persuasion.

Screen_Shot_2016-03-23_at_10.22.12_AM.png1.  5 Things TED Talks Can Teach Us About Opening Statements: A presentation expert analyzed what makes certain TED Talks successful. The same principles -- use hand gestures! -- apply to opening statements.




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