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Webinar - Integrating Argument and Expert Evidence in Complex Cases

Kenneth J. Lopez, J.D.
By: Kenneth J. Lopez, J.D.

Litigation Consulting, Webinar, Science, Psychology, Expert Witness, Witness Preparation


a2l iss scientific evidence webinar tallby Ken Lopez
A2L Consulting

Over the past six months, we have conducted three litigation-focused webinars at A2L that have been extremely popular. Thousands of legal industry professionals attended those events live or have since watched the recorded versions we've made available. These popular webinars are listed below and can be watched at your convenience at no charge.

Today, I am pleased to announce a new live webinar, How Can Litigators Meld Expert Evidence with Winning Arguments. It will be presented by three experts in litigation on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 1:30pm ET. You may register - at no charge - by clicking here or on any of the images in this article. If you are not sure of your schedule that day, register anyway, and you will be the first to hear about the availability of a recorded version.

In this one-hour and fifteen-minute webinar, Ted Dunkelberger of Innovative Science Solutions will describe how to pick the best experts and how to make sure they are ready for trial based on his experience in hundreds of litigation engagements. Dr. David Schwartz, also of Innovative Science Solutions, will share how sophisticated litigation teams use both testifying and consulting experts to stay on message. Litigator turned litigation consultant Ryan Flax will share what he's learned about explaining complicated subject matter while trying complex cases for a dozen years helping to amass more than $1 billion in jury verdicts and now helping hundreds of top litigators as a litigation consultant at A2L.

I know this webinar will appeal to anyone involved in litigation. After all, judges, jurors, experts and litigators all struggle with how best to manage science and other complicated materials at trial and throughout the litigation process. Say too much, and you overwhelm. Say too little, and you fail to persuade. Fail to give it all meaning, and you can lose the case.

Properly explaining complex material during litigation starts with having the right experts and helping them to prepare. At A2L & ISS, we know what works in practice from decades of working successfully on complex cases - and - most importantly, we will tell you what works in this webinar.

What topics will be covered?

  • The science behind explaining complex subjects
  • Finding and prepping the right expert
  • Organizing a scientific advisory team
  • Incorporating storytelling and other presentation tools to make experts and litigators highly effective when explaining complex subject matter
I hope that you can join us for the How Can Litigators Meld Expert Evidence with Winning Arguments webinar.


Integrating Expert Evidence and Argument in Complex Cases Webinar

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