Press Releases

Animators at Law to Launch New “Illegal” Division on January 1 to Focus on the Corporate Market

March 17, 2001

From the same company that successfully brought attorneys and artists under one roof for the first time, Animators at Law is today announcing the planned launch of a revolutionary new “illegal” division named whose target market will consist of "non-legal" corporate clients. Analogous to its parent, the new division plans to be the first company to successfully bring psychologists and artists trained in information design under one roof.

The focus of this new division will be on psychology driven design, computer animation, CD-ROM development, branding and message management for Fortune 1000 corporations. expects to capitalize on and extend its parent company’s experience and tremendous success in studying juries and group psychology. Animators’ designers are experts in persuasive information design theory and will apply their years of training and experience to persuasive design in the corporate market.

WOW! has signed up a world leader in interactive services, web brands, Internet technologies, and e-commerce services. Even prior to its official launch, has already delivered over 100 designs to their marketing department with many direct mail pieces designed by already in circulation nationwide.

In the words of their CEO, Kenneth J. Lopez, “I hate to see major corporations guessing how their brand is being received, how an advertising campaign will be interpreted or how to convey the right message to the public in times of crisis. Our mission will be to help stop the guessing by bringing professional psychologists and information designers to bear on corporate America’s marketing, advertising and crisis management.”

Animators at Law is the nation’s leading attorney owned and operated litigation consulting firm specializing in the production of ultra persuasive trial exhibits, computer animation and jury research. It has offices in Washington and New York with nationwide offices in the planning stages.

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